Biodiesel refers to a non-petroleum-based diesel fuel consisting of short chain alkyl (methyl or ethyl) esters, made by transesterification of vegetable oil, which can be used (alone, or blended with conventional petrodiesel) in unmodified diesel-engine vehicles. Biodiesel is distinguished from the straight vegetable oil (SVO) (aka "waste vegetable oil", "WVO", "used vegetable oil", "UVO", "unwashed biodiesel", "pure plant oil", "PPO") used (alone, or blended) as fuels in some converted diesel vehicles. "Biodiesel" is standardized as mono-alkyl ester and other kinds of diesel-grade fuels of biological origin are not included.
Blends of biodiesel and conventional hydrocarbon-based diesel are products most commonly distributed for use in the retail diesel fuel marketplace. Much of the world uses a system known as the "B" factor to state the amount of biodiesel in any fuel mix: fuel containing 20% biodiesel is labeled B20, while pure biodiesel is referred to as B100. It is common to see B99, since 1% petrodiesel is sufficiently toxic to retard mold. Blends of 20 percent biodiesel with 80 percent petroleum diesel (B20) can generally be used in unmodified diesel engines. Biodiesel can also be used in its pure form (B100), but may require certain engine modifications to avoid maintenance and performance problems. Blending B100 with petro diesel may be accomplished by:
* Mixing in tanks at manufacturing point prior to delivery to tanker truck
* Splash mixing in the tanker truck (adding specific percentages of Biodiesel and Petro Diesel)
* In-line mixing, two components arrive at tanker truck simultaneously.
On August 31, 1937, G. Chavanne of the University of Brussels (Belgium) was granted a patent for a 'Procedure for the transformation of vegetable oils for their uses as fuels' (fr. 'Procédé de Transformation d’Huiles Végétales en Vue de Leur Utilisation comme Carburants') Belgian Patent 422,877. This patent described the alcoholysis (often referred to as transesterification) of vegetable oils using ethanol (and mentions methanol) in order to separate the fatty acids from the glycerol by replacing the glycerol with short linear alcohols. This appears to be the first account of the production of what is known as 'biodiesel' today.
Biodiesel can be used in pure form (B100) or may be blended with petroleum diesel at any concentration in most modern diesel engines. Biodiesel has different solvent properties than petrodiesel, and will degrade natural rubber gaskets and hoses in vehicles (mostly found in vehicles manufactured before 1992), although these tend to wear out naturally and most likely will have already been replaced with FKM, which is nonreactive to biodiesel. Biodiesel has been known to break down deposits of residue in the fuel lines where petrodiesel has been used. As a result, fuel filters may become clogged with particulates if a quick transition to pure biodiesel is made. Therefore, it is recommended to change the fuel filters on engines and heaters shortly after first switching to a biodiesel blend.
Biodiesel use and production are increasing rapidly. Fueling stations make biodiesel readily available to consumers across Europe, and increasingly in the USA and Canada. A growing number of transport fleets use it as an additive in their fuel. Biodiesel is often more expensive to purchase than petroleum diesel but this is expected to diminish due to economies of scale and agricultural subsidies versus the rising cost of petroleum as reserves are depleted.
[edit] Vehicular use and manufacturer acceptance
In 2005, DaimlerChrysler released Jeep Liberty CRD diesels from the factory into the American market with 5% biodiesel blends, indicating at least partial acceptance of biodiesel as an acceptable diesel fuel additive. In 2007, DaimlerChrysler indicated intention to increase warranty coverage to 20% biodiesel blends if biofuel quality in the United States can be standardized.
Railroad use
The British businessman Richard Branson's Virgin Voyager train, number 220007 Thames Voyager,billed as the world's first "biodiesel train" was converted to run on 80% petrodiesel and only 20% biodiesel, and it is claimed it will save 14% on direct emissions.
Aircraft use
Aircraft manufacturers are understandably even more cautious, but a test flight has been performed by a Czech Aircraft (completely powered on biofuel); testing has been announced by Rolls Royce plc, Air New Zealand and Boeing (one engine out of four on a Boeing 747); and commercial passenger jet testing has also been announced by Virgin Atlantic's Richard Branson.
The world's first biofuel-powered commercial aircraft took off from London's Heathrow Airport on February 24, 2008 and touched down in Amsterdam on a demonstration flight hailed as a first step towards "cleaner" flying. The "BioJet" fuel for this flight was produced by Seattle based Imperium Renewables, Inc.
As a heating oil
Biodiesel can also be used as a heating fuel in domestic and commercial boilers, sometimes known as bioheat. Older furnaces may contain rubber parts that would be affected by biodiesel's solvent properties, but can otherwise burn biodiesel without any conversion required. Care must be taken at first, however, given that varnishes left behind by petrodiesel will be released and can clog pipes- fuel filtering and prompt filter replacement is required. Another approach is to start using biodiesel as blend, and decreasing the petroleum proportion over time can allow the varnishes to come off more gradually and be less likely to clog. Thanks to its strong solvent properties, however, the furnace is cleaned out and generally becomes more efficient. A technical research paper[11] describes laboratory research and field trials project using pure biodiesel and biodiesel blends as a heating fuel in oil fired boilers. During the Biodiesel Expo 2006 in the UK, Andrew J. Robertson presented his biodiesel heating oil research from his technical paper and suggested that B20 biodiesel could reduce UK household CO2 emissions by 1.5 million tons per year.
Historical background
Transesterification of a vegetable oil was conducted as early as 1853 by scientists E. Duffy and J. Patrick, many years before the first diesel engine became functional. Rudolf Diesel's prime model, a single 10 ft (3 m) iron cylinder with a flywheel at its base, ran on its own power for the first time in Augsburg, Germany, on August 10, 1893. In remembrance of this event, August 10 has been declared "International Biodiesel Day".
Rudolf Diesel demonstrated a Diesel engine running on peanut oil (at the request of the French government) built by the French Otto Company at the World Fair in Paris, France in 1900, where it received the Grand Prix (highest prize).
This engine stood as an example of Diesel's vision because it was powered by peanut oil — a biofuel, though not biodiesel, since it was not transesterified. He believed that the utilization of biomass fuel was the real future of his engine. In a 1912 speech Diesel said, "the use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant today but such oils may become, in the course of time, as important as petroleum and the coal-tar products of the present time."
During the 1920s, diesel engine manufacturers altered their engines to utilize the lower viscosity of petrodiesel (a fossil fuel), rather than vegetable oil (a biomass fuel). The petroleum industries were able to make inroads in fuel markets because their fuel was much cheaper to produce than the biomass alternatives. The result, for many years, was a near elimination of the biomass fuel production infrastructure. Only recently, have environmental impact concerns and a decreasing price differential made biomass fuels such as biodiesel a growing alternative.
Despite the widespread use of fossil petroleum-derived diesel fuels, interest in vegetable oils as fuels in internal combustion engines is reported in several countries during the 1920s and 1930's and later during World War II. Belgium, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Japan and China have been reported to have tested and used vegetable oils as diesel fuels during this time. Some operational problems were reported due to the high viscosity of vegetable oils compared to petroleum diesel fuel, which result in poor atomization of the fuel in the fuel spray and often leads to deposits and coking of the injectors, combustion chamber and valves. Attempts to overcome these problems included heating of the vegetable oil, blending it with petroleum-derived diesel fuel or ethanol, pyrolysis and cracking of the oils.
On August 31, 1937, G. Chavanne of the University of Brussels (Belgium) was granted a patent for a "Procedure for the transformation of vegetable oils for their uses as fuels" (fr. 'Procédé de Transformation d’Huiles Végétales en Vue de Leur Utilisation comme Carburants') Belgian Patent 422,877. This patent described the alcoholysis (often referred to as transesterification) of vegetable oils using methanol and ethanol in order to separate the fatty acids from the glycerol by replacing the glycerol by short linear alcohols. This appears to be the first account of the production of what is known as "biodiesel" today.
More recently, in 1977, Brazilian scientist Expedito Parente produced biodiesel using transesterification with ethanol, and again filed a patent for the same process. This process is classified as biodiesel by international norms, conferring a "standardized identity and quality. No other proposed biofuel has been validated by the motor industry." Currently, Parente's company Tecbio is working with Boeing and NASA to certify bioquerosene (bio-kerosene), another product produced and patented by the Brazilian scientist.
Research into the use of transesterified sunflower oil, and refining it to diesel fuel standards, was initiated in South Africa in 1979. By 1983, the process for producing fuel-quality, engine-tested biodiesel was completed and published internationally. An Austrian company, Gaskoks, obtained the technology from the South African Agricultural Engineers; the company erected the first biodiesel pilot plant in November 1987, and the first industrial-scale plant in April 1989 (with a capacity of 30,000 tons of rapeseed per annum).
Throughout the 1990s, plants were opened in many European countries, including the Czech Republic, Germany and Sweden. France launched local production of biodiesel fuel (referred to as diester) from rapeseed oil, which is mixed into regular diesel fuel at a level of 5%, and into the diesel fuel used by some captive fleets (e.g. public transportation) at a level of 30%. Renault, Peugeot and other manufacturers have certified truck engines for use with up to that level of partial biodiesel; experiments with 50% biodiesel are underway. During the same period, nations in other parts of the world also saw local production of biodiesel starting up: by 1998, the Austrian Biofuels Institute had identified 21 countries with commercial biodiesel projects. 100% Biodiesel is now available at many normal service stations across Europe.
In September 2005 Minnesota became the first U.S. state to mandate that all diesel fuel sold in the state contain part biodiesel, requiring a content of at least 2% biodiesel.[16]
Biodiesel has better lubricating properties than today's lower viscosity diesel fuels. Biodiesel addition reduces engine wear[17] increasing the life of the fuel injection equipment that relies on the fuel for its lubrication, such as high pressure injection pumps, pump injectors (also called unit injectors) and fuel injectors.
Older diesel Mercedes are popular for running on biodiesel.
Older diesel Mercedes are popular for running on biodiesel.
The calorific value of biodiesel is about 33 MJ/L.[citation needed] This is 9% lower than regular Number 2 petrodiesel. Variations in biodiesel energy density is more dependent on the feedstock used than the production process. Still these variations are less than for petrodiesel.[18] It has been claimed biodiesel gives better lubricity and more complete combustion thus increasing the engine energy output and partially compensating for the higher energy density of petrodiesel.
Biodiesel is a liquid which varies in color — between golden and dark brown — depending on the production feedstock. It is immiscible with water, has a high boiling point and low vapor pressure. *The flash point of biodiesel (>130 °C, >266 °F)[20] is significantly higher than that of petroleum diesel (64 °C, 147 °F) or gasoline (−45 °C, -52 °F). Biodiesel has a density of ~ 0.88 g/cm³, less than that of water.
Biodiesel has a viscosity similar to petrodiesel, the current industry term for diesel produced from petroleum. Biodiesel has high lubricity and virtually no sulfur content, and it is often used as an additive to Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel.
Technical standards
Main article: Biodiesel standard
Biodiesel has a number of standards for its quality including the European standard EN 14214 and the ASTM D6751 USA and Canada.
The cloud point, or temperature at which pure (B100) biodiesel starts to gel, varies significantly and depends upon the mix of esters and therefore the feedstock oil used to produce the biodiesel. For example, biodiesel produced from low erucic acid varieties of canola seed (RME) starts to gel at approximately −10 °C (14 °F). Biodiesel produced from tallow tends to gel at around +16 °C (61 °F). As of 2006, there are a very limited number of products that will significantly lower the gel point of straight biodiesel. A study carried out by Assiniboine Community College in Manitoba, Canada managed to produce B100 biodiesel that was a clear flowing liquid at -38° by using a commercially available additive, Wintron XC30, in addition to low temperature filtration.[citation needed] A number of studies have shown that winter operation is possible with biodiesel blended with other fuel oils including #2 low sulfur diesel fuel and #1 diesel / kerosene. The exact blend depends on the operating environment: successful operations have run using a 65% LS #2, 30% K #1, and 5% bio blend. Other areas have run a 70% Low Sulfur #2, 20% Kerosene #1, and 10% bio blend or an 80% K#1, and 20% biodiesel blend. According to the National Biodiesel Board (NBB), B20 (20% biodiesel, 80% petrodiesel) does not need any treatment in addition to what is already taken with petrodiesel.
To permit the use of biodiesel without mixing and without the possibility of gelling at low temperatures, some people modify their vehicles with a second fuel tank for biodiesel in addition to the standard fuel tank. Alternately, a vehicle with two tanks is chosen. The second fuel tank is insulated and a heating coil using engine coolant is run through the tank. When a temperature sensor indicates that the fuel is warm enough to burn, the driver switches from the petrodiesel tank to the biodiesel tank. This is similar to the method used for running straight vegetable oil.
Contamination by water
Biodiesel may contain small but problematic quantities of water. Although it is hydrophobic (non-miscible with water molecules), it is said to be, at the same time, hygroscopic to the point of attracting water molecules from atmospheric moisture;[21] one of the reasons biodiesel can absorb water is the persistence of mono and diglycerides left over from an incomplete reaction. These molecules can act as an emulsifier, allowing water to mix with the biodiesel. In addition, there may be water that is residual to processing or resulting from storage tank condensation. The presence of water is a problem because:
* Water reduces the heat of combustion of the bulk fuel. This means more smoke, harder starting, less power.
* Water causes corrosion of vital fuel system components: fuel pumps, injector pumps, fuel lines, etc.
* Water & microbes cause the paper element filters in the system to fail (rot), which in turn results in premature failure of the fuel pump due to ingestion of large particles.
* Water freezes to form ice crystals near 0 °C (32 °F). These crystals provide sites for nucleation and accelerate the gelling of the residual fuel.
* Water accelerates the growth of microbe colonies, which can plug up a fuel system. Biodiesel users who have heated fuel tanks therefore face a year-round microbe problem.
* Additionally, water can cause pitting in the pistons on a diesel engine.
Previously, the amount of water contaminating biodiesel has been difficult to measure by taking samples, since water and oil separate. However, it is now possible to measure the water content using water-in-oil sensors.
Water contamination is also a potential problem when using certain chemical catalysts involved in the production process, substantially reducing catalytic efficiency of base (high pH) catalysts such as KOH. However, the super-critical methanol production methodology, whereby the transesterification process of oil feedstock and methanol is effectuated under high temperature and pressure, has been shown to be largely unaffected by the presence of water contamination during the production phase.
Availability and prices
In some countries biodiesel is less expensive than conventional diesel.
In some countries biodiesel is less expensive than conventional diesel.
For more details on this topic, see Biodiesel around the World.
Global biodiesel production reached 3.8 million tons in 2005. Approximately 85% of biodiesel production came from the European Union.
In the United States, average retail (at the pump) prices, including Federal and state fuel taxes, of B2/B5 are lower than petroleum diesel by about 12 cents, and B20 blends are the same as petrodiesel. B99 and B100 generally cost more than petrodiesel except where local governments provide a subsidy.
[edit] Production
For more details on this topic, see Biodiesel production.
Biodiesel is commonly produced by the transesterification of the vegetable oil or animal fat feedstock. There are several methods for carrying out this transesterification reaction including the common batch process, supercritical processes, ultrasonic methods, and even microwave methods.
Chemically, transesterified biodiesel comprises a mix of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids. The most common form uses methanol (converted to sodium methoxide) to produce methyl esters as it is the cheapest alcohol available, though ethanol can be used to produce an ethyl ester biodiesel and higher alcohols such as isopropanol and butanol have also been used. Using alcohols of higher molecular weights improves the cold flow properties of the resulting ester, at the cost of a less efficient transesterification reaction. A lipid transesterification production process is used to convert the base oil to the desired esters. Any Free fatty acids (FFAs) in the base oil are either converted to soap and removed from the process, or they are esterified (yielding more biodiesel) using an acidic catalyst. After this processing, unlike straight vegetable oil, biodiesel has combustion properties very similar to those of petroleum diesel, and can replace it in most current uses.
A by-product of the transesterification process is the production of glycerol. For every 1 tonne of biodiesel that is manufactured, 100 kg of glycerol are produced. Originally, there was a valuable market for the glycerol, which assisted the economics of the process as a whole. However, with the increase in global biodiesel production, the market price for this crude glycerol (containing 20% water and catalyst residues) has crashed. Research is being conducted globally to use this glycerol as a chemical building block. One initiative in the UK is The Glycerol Challenge.
Usually this crude glycerol has to be purified, typically by performing vacuum distillation. This is rather energy intensive. The refined glycerol (98%+ purity) can then be utilised directly, or converted into other products. The following announcements were made in 2007: A joint venture of Ashland Inc. and Cargill announced plans to make propylene glycol in Europe from glycerol and Dow Chemical announced similar plans for North America. Dow also plans to build a plant in China to make epichlorhydrin from glycerol. Epichlorhydrin is a raw material for epoxy resins.
Production levels
Biodiesel production capacity is growing rapidly, with an average annual growth rate from 2002-2006 of over 40%. For the year 2006, the latest for which actual production figures could be obtained, total world biodiesel production was about 5-6 million tonnes, with 4.9 million tonnes processed in Europe (of which 2.7 million tonnes was from Germany) and most of the rest from the USA.The capacity for 2007 in Europe totalled 10.3 million tonnes. This compares with a total demand for diesel in the US and Europe of approximately 490 million tonnes (147 billion gallons).Total world production of vegetable oil for all purposes in 2005/06 was about 110 million tonnes, with about 34 million tonnes each of palm oil and soybean oil.
Biodiesel feedstocks
Soybeans are used as a source of biodiesel
Soybeans are used as a source of biodiesel
Plant oils
Olive oil
Vegetable fats (list)
Macerated (list)
Drying oil - Oil paint
Cooking oil
Fuel - Biodiesel
Saturated fat
Monounsaturated fat
Polyunsaturated fat
Trans fat
A variety of oils can be used to produce biodiesel. These include:
* Virgin oil feedstock; rapeseed and soybean oils are most commonly used, soybean oil alone accounting for about ninety percent of all fuel stocks in the US. It also can be obtained from field pennycress and Jatropha other crops such as mustard, flax, sunflower, palm oil, hemp (see List of vegetable oils for a more complete list);
* Waste vegetable oil (WVO);
* Animal fats including tallow, lard, yellow grease, chicken fat, and the by-products of the production of Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil.
* Algae, which can be grown using waste materials such as sewage and without displacing land currently used for food production.
Many advocates suggest that waste vegetable oil is the best source of oil to produce biodiesel, but since the available supply is drastically less than the amount of petroleum-based fuel that is burned for transportation and home heating in the world, this local solution does not scale well.
Animal fats are similarly limited in supply, and it would not be efficient to raise animals (or catch fish) simply for their fat. However, producing biodiesel with animal fat that would have otherwise been discarded could replace a small percentage of petroleum diesel usage. Currently, a 5-million dollar plant is being built in the USA, with the intent of producing 11.4 million litres (3 million gallons) biodiesel from some of the estimated 1 billion kg (2.3 billion pounds) of chicken fat produced annually the local Tyson poultry plant.[32] Similarly, some small-scale biodiesel factories use waste fish oil as feedstock.[35][36]
Quantity of feedstocks required
Worldwide production of vegetable oil and animal fat is not yet sufficient to replace liquid fossil fuel use. Furthermore, some object to the vast amount of farming and the resulting fertilization, pesticide use, and land use conversion that would be needed to produce the additional vegetable oil. The estimated transportation diesel fuel and home heating oil used in the United States is about 160 million tonnes (350 billion pounds) according to the Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy -. In the United States, estimated production of vegetable oil for all uses is about 11 million tonnes (24 billion pounds) and estimated production of animal fat is 5.3 million tonnes (12 billion pounds).
If the entire arable land area of the USA (470 million acres, or 1.9 million square kilometers) were devoted to biodiesel production from soy, this would just about provide the 160 million tonnes required (assuming an optimistic 98 gpa of biodiesel). This land area could in principle be reduced significantly using algae, if the obstacles can be overcome. The US DOE estimates that if algae fuel replaced all the petroleum fuel in the United States, it would require 15,000 square miles (38,849 square kilometers), which is a few thousand square miles larger than Maryland, or 1.3 Belgiums, assuming a yield of 15000 gpa. The advantages of algae are that it can be grown on non-arable land such as deserts or in marine environments, and the potential oil yields are much higher than from plants.
[edit] Yield
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Feedstock yield efficiency per acre affects the feasibility of ramping up production to the huge industrial levels required to power a significant percentage of national or world vehicles. Some typical yields in US gallons of biodiesel per acre are:
* Algae: 1800 gpa or more
* Palm oil: 508 gpa
* Coconut: 230 gpa
* Rapeseed: 102 gpa
* Soy: 59.2-98.6 gpa in Indiana(Soy is used in 80% of USA biodiesel)
* Peanut: 90 gpa
* Sunflower: 82 gpa
Algae fuel yields have not yet been accurately determined, but DOE is reported as saying that algae yield 30 times more energy per acre than land crops such as soybeans, and some estimate even higher yields up to 15000 gpa.
The Jatropha plant has been cited as a high-yield source of biodiesel but such claims have also been exaggerated. The more realistic estimates put the yield at about 200 gpa (1.5-2 tonnes per hectare). It is grown in the Philippines, Mali and India, is drought-resistant, and can share space with other cash crops such as coffee, sugar, fruits and vegetables. It is well-suited to semi-arid lands and can contribute to slow down desertification, according to its advocates.
[edit] Efficiency and economic arguments
According to a study written by Drs. Van Dyne and Raymer for the Tennessee Valley Authority, the average US farm consumes fuel at the rate of 82 litres per hectare (8.75 US gallons per acre) of land to produce one crop. However, average crops of rapeseed produce oil at an average rate of 1,029 L/ha (110 US gal/acre), and high-yield rapeseed fields produce about 1,356 L/ha (145 US gal/acre). The ratio of input to output in these cases is roughly 1:12.5 and 1:16.5. Photosynthesis is known to have an efficiency rate of about 3-6% of total solar radiation[49] and if the entire mass of a crop is utilized for energy production, the overall efficiency of this chain is currently about 1%[50] While this may compare unfavorably to solar cells combined with an electric drive train, biodiesel is less costly to deploy (solar cells cost approximately US$1,000 per square meter) and transport (electric vehicles require batteries which currently have a much lower energy density than liquid fuels).
However, these statistics by themselves are not enough to show whether such a change makes economic sense. Additional factors must be taken into account, such as: the fuel equivalent of the energy required for processing, the yield of fuel from raw oil, the return on cultivating food, the effect biodiesel will have of food prices and the relative cost of biodiesel versus petrodiesel.
The debate over the energy balance of biodiesel is ongoing. Transitioning fully to biofuels could require immense tracts of land if traditional food crops are used (although non food crops can be utilized). The problem would be especially severe for nations with large economies, since energy consumption scales with economic output.
If using only traditional food plants, most such nations do not have sufficient arable land to produce biofuel for the nation's vehicles. Nations with smaller economies (hence less energy consumption) and more arable land may be in better situations, although many regions cannot afford to divert land away from food production.
For third world countries, biodiesel sources that use marginal land could make more sense, e.g. honge oil nuts,grown along roads or jatropha grown along rail lines.
In tropical regions, such as Malaysia and Indonesia, oil palm is being planted at a rapid pace to supply growing biodiesel demand in Europe and other markets. It has been estimated in Germany that palm oil biodiesel has less than 1/3 the production costs of rapeseed biodiesel. The direct source of the energy content of biodiesel is solar energy captured by plants during photosynthesis. Regarding the positive energy balance of biodiesel[citation needed]:
When straw was left in the field, biodiesel production was strongly energy positive, yielding 1 GJ biodiesel for every 0.561 GJ of energy input (a yield/cost ratio of 1.78).
When straw was burned as fuel and oilseed rapemeal was used as a fertilizer, the yield/cost ratio for biodiesel production was even better (3.71). In other words, for every unit of energy input to produce biodiesel, the output was 3.71 units (the difference of 2.71 units would be from solar energy).
Biodiesel is becoming of interest to companies interested in commercial scale production as well as the more usual home brew biodiesel user and the user of straight vegetable oil or waste vegetable oil in diesel engines. Homemade biodiesel processors are many and varied.
source :
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Biodiesel Review
Labels: Biodiesel Review
Posted by automotive community at 1:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Ford Escape Hybrid
Ford Escape Hybrid
Consider one simple fact: The Ford Escape Hybrid is the most efficient hybrid SUV on the market. The front-drive Escape Hybrid has government fuel economy ratings of 34 city/30 highway, while the AWD version offers 29 city/27 highway. What else do you need to know, except that the Ford Escape Hybrid offers plenty of space, comfort, and versatility?
Though the Ford Escape Hybrid touts new looks and an updated cabin, it still offers the same mechanics and powertrain as the previous model. Ford did not tinker with a winning formula. Power comes from a 2.3-liter four-cylinder gasoline engine and a pair of electric motors, which together output a net 155 horses. Performance-wise, the Escape Hybrid splits the difference between the slower standard four-cylinder Escape, and the more powerful V6 model.
"Highs: Best fuel economy we've measured in a sport-ute, hybrid status hasn't compromised any of the Escape's usefulness. Lows: Not the bargain the Toyota Prius is, lethargic, 10 percent heavier than a V-6 Escape. The Verdict: Proof that hybrid technology works for sport-utility vehicles. Just don't expect 50 mpg."
Car and Driver
"For the record, this leadfoot, who drove as if an egg was beneath the gas pedal, got 35 mpg and was near the top of the list (for the AWD models). Alas, the celebration was short-lived, as my partner got 50 mpg on her go-round! Of course, she had almost all green lights, while my efforts were hindered by a string of reds… But all kidding aside, we were thoroughly impressed by the fact that we both soundly beat Ford's own city estimates for the AWD version. Our only complaint with the powertrain was a minor one — the engine gets a little buzzy while maintaining speeds of 55 mph or above on long uphill stretches."
"The dual power sources work together very well and the SUV goes down the road much like the conventional Escape – but with a lot better gas mileage. What’s the downside? Mostly, it’s a matter of getting used to the gas engine cutting out to save fuel when you sit at a traffic light or intersection. You only need the electric motor to get started, but it takes a while to train your brain to this."
Source :
Labels: Ford Escape Hybrid
Posted by automotive community at 1:46 AM 0 comments
Mercedes E320 Bluetec
Mercedes E320 Bluetec
More than half of the cars sold in Europe today are diesels, as opposed to barely five percent scratching the market here in the U.S. But a shift is taking place as cleaner burning technology makes its way into the mainstream, countering the old diesel stereotypes of being dirty, loud, and unsophisticated. And as more people wake up to the benefits of the modern diesel system, Mercedes Benz is leading the charge with technology it calls “Bluetec”. Intended to span over a line of several vehicles, the Bluetec designation is most commonly associated with Benz’ E-Class platform, specifically the E320 sedan.
“…boasts superior mileage and plentiful torque…”
“Quiet, comfortable, and dignified at highway speeds.”
Kelley Blue Book
“For those interested in fuel economy… Bluetec delivers.”
U.S. News and World Report
Labels: Mercedes
Posted by automotive community at 1:44 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Why Buy a Hybrid Car
Why Buy a Hybrid Car
Hybrid cars are popular because they appeal to such a wide range of consumers. The ecologically conscious can appreciate the the ultra low emissions and amazing fuel economy, while the economically conscious can appreciate the low depreciation and great savings at the pump. See Hybrid Car Prices Now!
* Lower fuel emissions help to curb the infamous "Greenhouse Effect."
* Hybrid cars are in high demand, and because of this, they hold their value much better than most gasoline automobiles.
* Burning fossil fuel releases potentially harmful pollutants, but reducing the amount of fuel that needs to be burned may allow the environment to dispose of these pollutants by natural means.
* Hybrid cars offer huge savings at the pump. Switching from the average sedan to the average hybrid could save the driver over 500 dollars a year!
* Hybrid car technology has been accepted as a solution for the automobile pollution problems of the day.
Many states are now offering tax incentives and rebates to assist with the purchase of hybrid cars. These rebates can often add up to thousands of dollars saved! Click to learn more about hybrid car rebates in your area or get a free no-hassle quote on the Hybrid Car of your choice.
source :
Labels: hybrid cars
Posted by automotive community at 1:22 AM 0 comments
Hybrid Cars and Pollution
Hybrid Cars and Pollution
It may seem excessive to spend so much time and money developing more economical cars as an alternative to gasoline automobiles, especially since the general population seems to be perfectly happy with current automotive technology, but hybrid cars offer another great advantage; far lower emissions.
When emissions or tailpipe emissions are mentioned in a discussion about cars, the terms refer to the gases released by the burning of gasoline that pollute the atmosphere. These gases are Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Oxides, and Hydrocarbons. These gases, commonly referred to as greenhouse gases, are of particular concern, because of their effect on the earth's climate by trapping heat in the atmosphere that would normally be deflected back to space. The National Research Council performed a study in May 2001 on the effects of greenhouse gas.
“Greenhouse gases are accumulating in Earth’s atmosphere as a result of human activities, causing surface air temperatures and sub-surface ocean temperatures to rise. Temperatures are, in fact, rising. The changes observed over the last several decades are likely mostly due to human activities, but we cannot rule out that some significant part of these changes is also a reflection of natural variability.”
To see how many pounds of greenhouse gases your vehicles emit every year, click here.
Hybrid cars have been accepted as an intermediary solution to the current emissions problems that we face, as they offer lower emissions than gasoline automobiles.
Labels: hybrid cars
Posted by automotive community at 1:20 AM 0 comments
Hybrid Car Facts
Hybrid Car Facts
* Hybrid cars like the Toyota Prius produce 90% less pollutants than comparable non-hybrid cars. By putting less harmful chemicals in the environment, the harmful effects of pollution can be halted or even reversed.
* The United States government supports hybrid car ownership by allowing a tax write off. In 2005, this rebate may be as high as $5000!
* While it is true that hybrid cars do have expensive parts, they also have warranties that provide free replacement of the most expensive parts for many years.
* Hybrid cars show much lower depreciation rates than standard gasoline cars. They are now and will continue to be in extremely high demand, so hybrid cars keep their values very well, making a hybrid car a sound investment.
* Though hybrid cars have not been on the US market for very long, they have been sold in Japan since 1997. Some consumers worry that hybrid cars may not last as long as other cars, but it is not abnormal for a hybrid car to run like new when it has 250,000 miles on it. The best part - hybrid cars don't require any more maintenance than gasoline cars.
* Hybrid cars aren't a fad. Nearly every major automobile manufacturer has announced either the launch of a hybrid car or plans for a launch. A large part of this is due to the CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) regulation, by which an automaker must maintain a minimum mileage of 27.5mpg across its product line. By investing in hybrid technology, they can offer faster, larger engines in the rest of their line.
* You don't have to be an environmentalist to love hybrid cars. Consider the following: ACME Construction has a fleet of 10 work trucks that together drive 2500 miles a week, and guzzle $308 of gas a week. A new hybrid truck offered by a major manufacturer can save ACME Construction nearly $7000 per year, in gasoline costs alone. When factoring in lower depreciation and tax incentives, this number skyrockets. Capitalists can love hybrids too.
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Labels: hybrid cars
Posted by automotive community at 1:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Toyota Camry Hybrid
Toyota Camry Hybrid
The Toyota Camry Hybrid utilizes a four-cylinder gasoline engine with 108 kW (147 hp) and 187 Nm (138 ft·lbf) and 650V electric motors with a NiMH 245V traction battery with a maximum output of 29 kW (40 hp) to produce a peak of 140 kW (187 hp).
EPA fuel economy estimates for the 2007 Toyota Camry Hybrid are 40 MPG (City) and 38 MPG (Highway). EPA’s revised method of estimating fuel economy for 2008 and subsequent model years, which now considers the effects of air conditioning, rapid acceleration and cold temperatures, estimates 33 MPG (City) and 34 MPG (Highway).
Unique features
Several features are unique to the hybrid model. Two of these features, LED tail lights and an "ECO" operating mode for the HVAC system, reduce energy consumption. Other such features include:
* Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management [VDIM]
* Climate Control (HVAC) system which can function when ICE (internal combustion engine) is off.
* Coefficient of aerodynamic drag (Cd) reducing wheel spats and underbody pans (Cd for Camry Hybrid is 0.27)
The hybrid model features "HYBRID" emblems on front fenders and an "HSD" (Hybrid Synergy Drive) emblem on the rear decklid.
Introduction and death of lead engineer
The Toyota Camry Hybrid received its North American production introduction at the 2006 North American International Auto Show in Detroit.
The lead engineer responsible for the development of the hybrid model died of ischaemic heart disease in January 2006 at the age of 45; his daughter found him dead the day before he was scheduled to fly to the United States for the new model's introduction. In July 2008 the Aichi Labor Bureau ruled his death was due to overwork (karōshi). He had worked over 160 hours of overtime in the two months prior to his death.
The Toyota Camry Hybrid is produced by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky, in Georgetown, Kentucky.
Toyota Motor Corporation Australia has confirmed that it will build the Toyota Camry Hybrid for the Australian market after months of lobbying the Australian government for incentives to produce the next generation Hybrid. It will be built at Toyota's Altona production facility in Victoria. The Australian government will give a subsidy of $35m for its production. It could also expect to build the next generation Toyota Camry Hybrid in 2011 for the Asian market.
Toyota will also build the Toyota Camry Hybrid at Toyota Motor Thailand's Gateway plant in Chachoengsao beginning 2009.
It is expected[citation needed] that the next generation Toyota Camry Hybrid will utilize the third generation Hybrid Synergy Drive that will debut in the 2009 Toyota Prius.
You'll never get accused of recklessness for buying a Toyota Camry. It's safe, comfortable, dependable, relatively attractive and altogether predictable. And based on the overwhelming sales numbers, Americans are happy with a reliable and affordable set of wheels for the family. The Camry has been America's top-selling passenger vehicle for eight of the past nine years.
"Toyota opted to tune the [Hybrid] Camry's system more for economy than all-out performance...The Camry hybrid isn't particularly sprightly off the line, but it does offer great passing power—better than the four, though not quite as athletic as the six—once the gasoline engine revs up with the motor in full assist. In low-speed stop-and-go driving, Hybrid drivers to gain the most, as the Camry can creep along with the electric motor for a considerable time." BusinessWeek
Labels: hybrids car
Posted by automotive community at 9:10 PM 0 comments
2008 Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid
2008 Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid
Buyers interested in a hybrid for their next vehicle may be interested in the 2008 Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid, but they may be disappointed in this car's mpg figures. However, that didn't stop this model from being named the 2008 North American Car of the Year.
The Chevy Malibu Hybrid does have a stylish appearance. With its 18-inch alloy wheels and chrome accents, it's a great looking ride. The interior gives the buyer heated bucket seats in front, an automatic climate control system, and a two-tone instrument panel.
Buying a Malibu makes sense to the person who wants to combine a sporty appearance with a reliable family vehicle. If you enjoy driving, you will appreciate this Chevy's six-speed automatic transmission. The 2008 model has also been given a five-star crash rating on side and frontal tests, which is the highest level that can be given to a vehicle.
One reason why the modern car buyer may be attracted to the Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid is because they want to make choices that are more environmentally responsible. In the case of the Malibu, you may not find that buying a hybrid will end up saving you much money. Even with its 164 hp 2.4 Liter 4-cylinder engine, it can be difficult to achieve the stated 24 mpg for city driving and 32 mpg on the highway.
To keep the idea of driving "green" in the front of the driver's mind, the Malibu is equipped with a light on the dashboard that will indicate when you are operating it most efficiently. This may be a good feature or a distraction while you are on the road, depending on the individual involved.
This model is equipped with OnStar to help you navigate your way from Point A to Point B more efficiently (as long as you are in an area where cell phone service is available). Hands-free calling is also available, but you will need to have a phone number assigned to you by OnStar for this purpose.
The stereo system on the 2008 Malibu includes a CD player, an auxiliary input jack, and XM satellite radio. If you want to scan a CD into the system, it will take a short time and you need to be prepared to rescan it every time you want to listen to it.
The MSRP on the 2008 Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid is a very reasonable $23,640, and you get several good features for the price.
Labels: hybrid cars
Posted by automotive community at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Nissan Altima Hybrid Review

If you’ve been intrigued by the fuel savings and advanced technology of a hybrid, but find a lack of styling in other hybrid offerings, then the Nissan Altima Hybrid might be the hybrid that puts you behind the wheel of a gas-electric vehicle.
"While all midsize sedans suffer a certain inherent stuffiness, the Altima’s shape is more interesting than most, with leaner, crisper lines than the Camry dares wear. Moreover, the ’07 Altima appears—applause, please—more compact than the outgoing model, though its actual dimensions have changed little...The Altima Hybrid offers a package essentially similar to the Camry Hybrid’s, with a little less space, a lot more style and fuel economy that makes Honda’s cooking, sales challenged Accord Hybrid seem like a bad global citizen."
The Truth About Cars
"The Altima's chassis is compliant on smooth, winding roads, but with an extra 306 pounds of hybrid equipment to carry, the suspension stumbles over rough pavement and sometimes floats on the freeway. After some initial harshness at low speeds, the engine and the electric motors work in harmony with the slick, silent, planetary-type CVT, culminating in a surge of impressive passing power. The Altima continues to make ground on the Camry and the Accord, but with borrowed components and a limited distribution area, the Altima Hybrid isn't exactly a tour de force."
Automobile Magazine
"The Altima certainly scores in the style department; it's more daring, a bit more sculpted, than the typical family four-door." Forbes
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Labels: Nissan Altima Hybrid
Posted by automotive community at 6:22 AM 0 comments
Honda Civic Review

As soon as the second-generation Prius arrived on the scene in 2003, the Civic Hybrid was cast in its role as runner-up in the hybrid world. It’s true that the Civic Hybrid is not quite as fuel-efficient, not quite as comfortable and roomy, and not quite as powerful as the Prius. But the gas-electric Civic, like Rodney Dangerfield, deserves more respect than it receives.
"The Honda Civic Hybrid is completely redesigned with daring new styling, a more powerful and fuel-efficient powertrain, added interior space, and a bigger trunk. It still looks too much like a regular Civic sedan, and it doesn’t feature the handy utility of the Toyota Prius’s folding rear seats and hatchback configuration, but with real-world fuel economy in the high 40s, it might be worth getting out of line at the local Toyota dealer and checking out the latest high-mileage car from Honda."
"The Honda Civic hybrid is a five-passenger, full-featured sedan measuring 176.7 inches long; it's packed with safety features, everything from compatibility-minded body structures (helping to protect occupants in collisions with heavier, higher vehicles such as SUVs) to an energy-absorbing hood to help lessen impacts to pedestrians. And yet, loaded like Tara Reid on Ibiza, the car weighs only 2,875 pounds, aces Honda's internal tests mimicking the government's frontal and side-impact resilience, gets in excess of 40 mpg and has almost immeasurably clean emissions. Such a car was the stuff of science fiction 10 years ago."
Los Angeles Times
"The Hybrid enjoys all of the design upgrades that make the conventional Civic sedan a real head-turner, such as a sportier front end treatment incorporating sharply angled headlamp clusters, a new chromed grille insert, flowing character lines that run from the front wheel arches, across the cars shoulders and through to the its tail end, bypassing raked A-pillars and large exterior mirrors, integrating unique triangular turn signals - exclusive to the Hybrid. The rear design looks most distinctive, unlike previous Civics that either appeared too staid to inspire comment or left the impression of being heavily from one of Mercedes-Benzs sports models. Now, the sedans taillights are positively original, and shaped in such a complicated yet pleasing form as to make describing them without the help of a photo near impossible. The Hybrids wheels are also unique, and designed with minimal openings to enhance aerodynamics."
"The design is somewhere between engaging and gorgeous. The silhouette's swoop is what you'd expect on an auto-show car or in a designer's first fevered sketch, not on a production vehicle. The interior is equally daring. Dandy to drive, nice to view, better than its predecessor and welcome in a time of $3-a-gallon gasoline."
USA Today
"We briefly drove a Civic hybrid through the wide-open expanse of Joliet, Illinois, and found its new technology to be very much transparent and its newfound power welcome. On occasion you would be aware of the gas engine stopping and starting itself, but it's generally unobtrusive."
Source click here
Labels: Honda Civic Hybrid
Posted by automotive community at 6:17 AM 0 comments
Toyota Prius

The Toyota Prius has sold more than all other hybrids combined—and for good reason. Since the debut of the second generation Prius in 2003 (as a 2004 model), the midsize hatchback sedan has racked up award after award. Years later, the Prius continues to be a red-hot seller.
The Prius inspires a cult-like devotion from its drivers. Satisfaction rates, consistently at 98 percent, are unparalleled. Prius owners are already looking 20 years ahead, when they can claim with great pride, "Yes. I drove one of the first Priuses."
Source Read more Click here
Labels: Hybrid Car
Posted by automotive community at 6:15 AM 0 comments
How u can Safe with Hybrid vehicles??
Driving Habits
For drivers like you that have a fairly balanced mix of city and highway driving, hybrids provide dual benefits. On the highway, hybrids with smaller engines or engines tuned for peak efficiency can deliver improved fuel economy. Current hybrid models achieve 20-25% better highway fuel economy than similar conventional vehicles, without losing highway passing power due to the extra "kick" of the electric motor. You'll get an even bigger fuel economy boost in the city (40-100%) thanks to the addition of regenerative braking, idle-off, and electric-only drive capabilities, which is why you see the full hybrid models such as the Prius and Escape have better fuel economy estimates for city than for highway. Hybrids can also boast better "low end torque" than comparable conventional vehicles--meaning that the gasoline-electric drive will actually deliver better acceleration at low speeds, a great value in navigating city streets.
Given you drive about 15,000 miles a year and your local gas price is $ 2.25, your vehicle choices break down as follows:
For the 2005 Honda Civic Hybrid Gen. 1 (Automatic) you would stand to spend about $ 4,681 and use about 49.5 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 2,744 saved at the pump and 29.0 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Civic Hybrid Gen. 1.
For the 2005 Honda Civic Hybrid Gen. 1 (Manual) you would stand to spend about $ 4,530 and use about 47.9 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 2,895 saved at the pump and 30.6 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Civic Hybrid Gen. 1.
For the 2005 Honda Civic Hybrid Gen. 1 (Manual, Lean Burn) you would stand to spend about $ 4,680 and use about 49.5 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 2,746 saved at the pump and 29.1 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Civic Hybrid Gen. 1.
For the 2005 Honda Civic Hybrid Gen. 1 (Automatic, Lean Burn) you would stand to spend about $ 4,723 and use about 50.0 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 2,702 saved at the pump and 28.6 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Civic Hybrid Gen. 1.
For the 2007 Honda Civic Hybrid Gen. 2 you would stand to spend about $ 4,530 and use about 47.9 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 2,895 saved at the pump and 30.6 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Civic Hybrid Gen. 2.
For the 2003 Toyota Prius Gen. 1 you would stand to spend about $ 4,056 and use about 42.9 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 3,370 saved at the pump and 35.7 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Prius Gen. 1.
For the 2008 Ford Escape Hybrid (2WD) you would stand to spend about $ 5,562 and use about 58.9 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 2,285 saved at the pump and 24.2 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Escape Hybrid.
For the 2008 Ford Escape Hybrid (4WD) you would stand to spend about $ 6,374 and use about 67.4 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 1,472 saved at the pump and 15.6 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Escape Hybrid.
For the 2008 Mercury Mariner Hybrid (2WD) you would stand to spend about $ 5,562 and use about 58.9 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 2,285 saved at the pump and 24.2 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Mariner Hybrid.
For the 2008 Mercury Mariner Hybrid (4WD) you would stand to spend about $ 6,374 and use about 67.4 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 1,472 saved at the pump and 15.6 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Mariner Hybrid.
For the 2008 Lexus LS 600hL you would stand to spend about $ 9,136 and use about 96.7 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ -884 saved at the pump and -9.3 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a LS 600hL.
For the 2006 Honda Accord Hybrid you would stand to spend about $ 7,111 and use about 75.2 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 1,142 saved at the pump and 12.1 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Accord Hybrid.
For the 2007 Lexus GS 450h you would stand to spend about $ 8,205 and use about 86.8 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 48 saved at the pump and 0.5 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a GS 450h.
For the 2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid you would stand to spend about $ 5,549 and use about 58.7 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 2,704 saved at the pump and 28.6 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Altima Hybrid.
For the 2008 Toyota Camry Hybrid you would stand to spend about $ 5,679 and use about 60.1 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 2,575 saved at the pump and 27.2 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Camry Hybrid.
For the 2007 Toyota Prius Gen. 2 you would stand to spend about $ 4,056 and use about 42.9 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 4,197 saved at the pump and 44.4 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Prius Gen. 2.
For the 2007 Lexus RX 400h (4WD) you would stand to spend about $ 6,862 and use about 72.6 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 2,801 saved at the pump and 29.6 barrels of oil Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 3,263 saved at the pump and 34.5 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a RX 400h.
For the 2007 Lexus RX 400h (2WD) you would stand to spend about $ 6,720 and use about 71.1 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 2,944 saved at the pump and 31.1 barrels of oil Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 3,405 saved at the pump and 36.0 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a RX 400h.
For the 2007 Toyota Highlander (2WD) you would stand to spend about $ 6,720 and use about 71.1 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 2,944 saved at the pump and 31.1 barrels of oil Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 3,405 saved at the pump and 36.0 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Highlander.
For the 2007 Toyota Highlander (4WD) you would stand to spend about $ 6,862 and use about 72.6 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 2,801 saved at the pump and 29.6 barrels of oil Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 3,263 saved at the pump and 34.5 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Highlander.
For the 2006 Honda Insight (Manual, Lean Burn) you would stand to spend about $ 3,678 and use about 38.9 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 3,747 saved at the pump and 39.6 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Insight.
For the 2006 Honda Insight (Automatic) you would stand to spend about $ 4,076 and use about 43.1 barrels of oil over the 5 years you tend to keep your vehicle. Compared to similar conventional cars in its class 1, this translates to roughly $ 3,349 saved at the pump and 35.4 barrels of oil saved over the 5 years you would own a Insight.
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Labels: Hybrid Car
Posted by automotive community at 6:07 AM 0 comments
Hybrid Car Buying Tips at the dealership
Tips at the dealership
Persevere - be insistent - you want your hybrid!
With hybrids in such high demand, some dealers may want to try and steer you into another automobile they have on the lot if they don't have the hybrid you want in stock. Don't be afraid to say "no thanks" if a dealer doesn't have the hybrid you want.
Check for the cleanest technologies.
All hybrids are not built the same. If a less polluting model matters to you, demand it. In 2003, 57% of the US population was living in areas that did not meet federal public health guidelines for smog. Even under the new Tier 2 federal emissions standards, some vehicles can emit up to 13 times as much smog-forming pollution as the cleanest vehicles available. The Gen 1 Civic Hybrid is a case in point, as their California model is a Bin 2 yet they have produced only Bin 9 models - producing 14 times as much smog-forming pollution as Bin 2 models - for the rest of the country, and have, thus far, refused to release Bin 2 models. While Gen. 2 Civic Hybrid is all Bin 2, you should always ask to see the emissions ratings of the vehicle you are going to buy, both smog-forming and global warming.
Comparison shop, and don't be afraid to bargain.
You might have a longer trip to the dealer, but you may end up with a cleaner car. Dealers may have different cars on their lots with different features. Internet sales and comparisons are also a great way to compare. As hybrids become more prevalent, so, too do incentive deals on hybrids. If you are shopping for a hybrid model that has a conventional equivalent, and that model has an incentive, ask that incentive be applied to the hybrid model as well. Check our state hybrid incentives list to see if a state nearby has a tax credit or other incentive, then ask the dealer in your state if he can match that discount in order to get your business. If you are shopping for a Toyota, a vehicle that no longer qualifies for a federal tax credit, note the fact that other hybrids still qualify for a tax credit to the dealer (in other words, don’t be afraid to play one hybrid against another…). Remember to ask people for an "out the door" price that will consist of the taxes, tags, and options you've selected.
Prius: waiting lists and "non-specified" models--
Now that Toyota has increased Prius production, the waiting list issue is far less common, waiting lists still occur in some areas with more limited availability. According to the dealers we talked to, for a $500 reservation fee, you can "order" your Prius model and get on the waiting list for its production (the $500 goes into the total cost of the vehicle, but is non-refundable if you change your mind about purchasing it). This fee may vary, so be sure to ask more than one dealer. There you will choose your car's color and the package of options you want. The waiting list for your model to arrive has been up to 3 and 6 months. Toyota is also producing an increasing number of "non-specified" models that, of course, already have their color and options pre-determined. If you're not picky about color, you can call around and see if dealers in your area are getting in a model with the options you'd like.
Beware "Hybrid Gouging"
Unfortunately, some dealers seem to be trying to find out exactly how badly you want your hybrid. One Prius dealer we spoke with attempted to convince us that there was a $2,500 additional fee to take a "non-specified" model if we didn't first get on the waiting list. One call to another dealer proved this to be untrue. Only take, and pay for, what you are buying, and look to purchase a vehicle that has only the features you really want. And remember, there is usually more than one dealer in your area, so don't be afraid to comparison shop.
Buying Used?
All current hybrid models have 8 year/80,000 mile or 8 year/100,000 mile warranties on their battery. If you are buying from a private party, you may want to call the company and make sure that the warranty is fully transferable to you. If buying used from a dealership, make sure that they are still honoring the original vehicle warranty, or are offering a pre-owned vehicle warranty that sufficiently protects your investment.
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Labels: Hybrid Car
Posted by automotive community at 6:04 AM 0 comments
Toyota's Company overview
Company overview

The Toyota Motor Company was awarded its first Japanese Quality Control Award at the start 1970s and began participating in a wide variety of Motorsports. Due to the 1973 oil crisis consumers in the lucrative U.S. market began turning to small cars with better fuel economy. American car manufacturers had considered small economy cars to be an "entry level" product, and their small vehicles were not made to a high level of quality in order to keep the price low. Japanese customers, however, had a long-standing tradition of demanding small fuel-efficient cars that were manufactured to a high level of quality. Because of this, companies like Toyota, Honda, and Nissan established a strong and growing presence in North America in the 1970s.
In 1982, the Toyota Motor Company and Toyota Motor Sales merged into one company, the Toyota Motor Corporation. Two years later, Toyota entered into a joint venture with GM called NUMMI, the New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc, operating an automobile manufacturing plant in Fremont, California. The factory was an old General Motors plant that had been closed for several years. Toyota then started to establish new brands at the end of the 1980s, with the launch of their luxury division Lexus in 1989.
In the 1990s Toyota began to branch out from producing mostly compact cars by adding many larger and more luxurious vehicles to its lineup, including a full sized pickup, the T100 (and later the Toyota Tundra), several lines of SUVs, a sport version of the Camry, known as the Camry Solara, and the Scion brand, a group of several affordable, yet sporty, automobiles targeted specifically to young adults. Toyota also began production of the world's best selling hybrid car, the Toyota Prius, in 1997.
With a major presence with Europe, due to the success of Toyota Team Europe, the corporation decided to set up TMME, Toyota Motor Europe Marketing & Engineering, to help market vehicles in the continent. Two years later, Toyota set up a base in the United Kingdom, TMUK, as the company's cars had become very popular among British drivers. Bases in Indiana, Virginia and Tianjin were also set up. In 1999, the company decided to list itself on the New York and London Stock Exchange.

In 2001, Toyota's Toyo Trust and Banking merged to form the UFJ, United Financials of Japan, which was accused of corruption by the Japan's government for making bad loans to alleged Yakuza crime syndicates with executives accused of blocking Financial Service Agency inspections.[11] The UFJ was listed among Fortune Magazine's largest money-losing corporations in the world, with Toyota's chairman serving as a director.[12] At the time, the UFJ was one of the largest shareholders of Toyota. As a result of Japan's banking crisis, the UFJ was merged again to become Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group.
In 2002, Toyota managed to enter a Formula One works team and establish joint ventures with French motoring companies Citroën and Peugeot, a year after Toyota started producing cars in France.
On December 7, 2004, a U.S. press release was issued stating that Toyota would be offering Sirius Satellite Radios. However, as late as Jan. 27, 2007, Sirius Satellite Radio and XM Satellite radio kits were not available for Toyota factory radios. While the press release enumerated nine models, only limited availability existed at the dealer level in the U.S. As of 2008, all Toyota and Scion models have either standard or available XM radio kits. Major Lexus dealerships have been offering satellite radio kits for Lexus vehicles since 2005, in addition to factory-equipped satellite radio models.
In 2007, Toyota released an update of its full size truck, the Toyota Tundra, produced in two American factories, one in Texas and one in Indiana. "Motor Trend" named the Tundra "Truck of the Year," and the 2007 Toyota Camry "Car of the Year" for 2007. It also began the construction of two new factories, one to build the Toyota Rav4 in Woodstock, Ontario and the other to build the Toyota Highlander in Blue Springs, Mississippi.
Labels: Toyota
Posted by automotive community at 5:17 AM 0 comments